Create API

This tutorial will guide you to create your OWN as open source. If you need private usage, just add it to your namespace domain.

Using namespace MaggelanoApi in src directory.

1. Create you environment

First you want set up the base url and get some additional data from the consumer. For this we will create environment.

Create file at src/Environments/LiveEnvironment.php and implement uri. This is not the place to set base headers for your API.

namespace MaggelanoApi\Environments;

use \WrkFlow\ApiSdkBuilder\Environments\AbstractEnvironment;
use \JustSteveKing\UriBuilder\Uri;

class LiveEnvironment  extends AbstractEnvironment  {
    public function uri(): Uri {
        return Uri::fromString('');

Leave $headers if you want to allow custom headers. Can be used to pass UserAgent header.

You can override __constructor for passing any data you want. Environment can be accessed from endpoints using:


Authorization via query

  1. Override __construct and add new property public readonly string $apiKey. Make it public and readonly.
  2. Use addQueryParam function on the uri. This will ensure that all built URIs will have the query parameter.
namespace MaggelanoApi\Environments;

use \WrkFlow\ApiSdkBuilder\Environments\AbstractEnvironment;
use \JustSteveKing\UriBuilder\Uri;

class LiveEnvironment  extends AbstractEnvironment  {
    public function __construct(public readonly string $apiKey, array $headers = []) {
    public function uri(): Uri {
        return Uri::fromString('')
            ->addQueryParam('apiKey', $this->apiKey);

Authorization via header (Bearer token)

  1. Override __construct and add new property public readonly string $apiKey. Make it public and readonly.
  2. Override headers() : array function and use BearerTokenAuthorizationHeader header. Do not forget to merge base headers.
namespace MaggelanoApi\Environments;

use WrkFlow\ApiSdkBuilder\Headers\BearerTokenAuthorizationHeader;
use \WrkFlow\ApiSdkBuilder\Environments\AbstractEnvironment;

class LiveEnvironment extends AbstractEnvironment  {
    public function __construct(public readonly string $apiKey, array $headers = []) {
    public function headers() : array {
        return array_merge(parent::headers(), [new BearerTokenAuthorizationHeader($this->apiKey)]);

2. Create API class

  1. Create a file located in src/MaggelanoApi.php
  2. Extend WrkFlow\ApiSdkBuilder\AbstractApi
namespace MagellanoApi;

use App\ChannelManager\Magellano\Api\Endpoints\Units\UnitsEndpoint;
use App\ChannelManager\Magellano\Api\Endpoints\UnitsAvailabilities\UnitsAvailabilitiesEndpoint;
use WrkFlow\ApiSdkBuilder\AbstractApi;
use WrkFlow\ApiSdkBuilder\Headers\JsonHeaders;

class MagellanoApi extends AbstractApi

Implement headers

For this example we want to tell API that we are sending JSON, and we want to receive JSON data.

If you do not want any headers set then return empty array.

public function headers(): array
    return [new JsonHeaders()];
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