
See Start building / Create endpoint

Endpoint contains a way to call an API endpoint (endpoint can contain multiple functions to call API endpoint).

The main goal of an endpoint is to:

  • 🚀 Build and get the request using $this->api->X(). See Calling API section.
  • 🛠 Create a response from request result using $this->makeResponse


Place your endpoints in YourApi\Endpoints\MyEndpoint namespace and use Endpoint suffix.

Implementation is easy. Just implement the basePath to return base URI, then create function that calls API endpoint.

Your function should accept data for building url and the request body content:

  • Arguments for the URI should be like int $id or and Entity object.
  • Options for the data should use OptionsContract and can be null or built (). See Passing data section.
class UnitsEndpoint extends AbstractEndpoint
    protected function basePath(): string
        return 'units';

     * @throws InvalidJsonResponseException
    public function get(
        int $id,
        GetUnitsOptions $options = null,
    ): UnitsResponse {
        $result = $this->api->post($this->uri($id), $options);

        return $this->makeResponse(UnitsResponse::class, $result);
  • You can change the base URI building by overriding uri implementation in your endpoint.
  • You can use dependency injection in the __construct.

Calling API

In your endpoint use $this->api->X() to call API.

Use $this->uri() to get endpoints base url. You can append query data as you please:

  • For adding query data use $this->uri()->addQueryParam('key', 'myvalue')
  • Add path parameter using $this->uri($id). No need to add /.
  • For more check JustSteveKing/uri-builder.

Passing data

For passing data you can use:

  • string
  • object that implements StreamInterface
  • object that implements OptionsContract -> returns a string
  • object that extends AbstractJsonOptions for sending JSON data

We advise that you use MyOptions $options = new MyOptions() in your function when you want default values to be sent.


Options objects are ideal to for building data that can be sometimes optional. Helps to make type safe code.

  1. Implement OptionsContract
  2. Use __constructor for your setting properties that can be adjusted by the consumer.
  3. Use nullable properties for optional data (with combination array_filter)
  4. Implement toBody to build the data

JSON Options

For building JSON data you want to extend AbstractJsonOptions and implement toArray.

use WrkFlow\ApiSdkBuilder\Options\AbstractJsonOptions;

class PageInfoOptions extends AbstractJsonOptions
  public function __construct(
      public int $page = 1,
      public int|null $perPage = 100
  ) {

  public function toArray(): array
      return [
          'page_info' => [
              'page' => $this->page,
              'per_page' => $this->perPage,
use WrkFlow\ApiSdkBuilder\Options\AbstractJsonOptions;

class PageInfoOptions extends AbstractJsonOptions
  public function __construct(
      public int $page = 1,
      public int|null $perPage = null
  ) {

  public function toArray(): array
      return array_filter([
          'page' => $this->page,
          'items_per_page' => $this->perPage,

When using AbstractJsonOptions you can accept multiple options in you method and then merge them for API call using MergedJsonOptions (accepts null).

 * @throws InvalidJsonResponseException
public function paginate(
    GetUnitsOptions $options = null,
    PageInfoOptions $page = new PageInfoOptions()
): UnitsResponse {
    $result = $this->api->post($this->uri(), new MergedJsonOptions([$options, $page]));

    return $this->makeResponse(UnitsResponse::class, $result);

Get request

  1. URI address to call uri: JustSteveKing\UriBuilder\Uri
  2. Headers to send headers: array<int|string,HeadersContract|string|string[]>
$response = $this->api->post($this->uri(), $options);

Post request


  1. URI address to call uri: JustSteveKing\UriBuilder\Uri
  2. Data to send options: OptionsContract|StreamInterface|string
  3. Headers to send headers: array<int|string,HeadersContract|string|string[]>
$response = $this->api->post($this->uri(), $options);

Put request

To be implemented. Make PR! Edit AbstractApi.

Delete request

To be implemented. Make PR! Edit AbstractApi.

Custom requests

You build any request you want by creating request using $this->api->factory()->request(): PSR-7 compatible and then calling sendRequest.

 * @param array<int|string,HeadersContract|string|string[]> $headers
public function delete(
): ResponseInterface {
    $request = $this->api->factory()
        ->createRequest('DELETE', $this->uri()->toString());

    return $this->api->sendRequest($request, $headers, $body);

If the package misses some "general" requests, please make a PR and edit AbstractApi.




Use this for retrieving non paginated response. It can be post / get any HTTP method.


Create resource. It can be post / put any HTTP method.


Update resource It can be post / put any HTTP method.


Delete resource. It can be post / put / delete any HTTP method.


Use this for endpoints that returns paginated results.

Ideal to combine with AbstractJsonItemsResponse and PaginatedResponse trait.


Use this if you want to provide a way to loop all entries via paginated API endpoint.

You should provide:

  • Options for tweaking the request.
  • Item callback.
  • Callbacks for the loop lifecycle.
public function all(
    Closure $onItem,
    GetUnitsOptions $options = null,
    ?Closure $onResponse = null,
    ?Closure $onLoopEnd = null,
): bool;

The implementation is currently not abstracted.


  • Try to use the same structure and name as the api endpoint

Folder structure

It is better to store endpoints in their own folder with all responses, options and entities in the folder.

    - UsersEndpoint.php
    - UsersResponse.php
    - UserEntity.php
    - GetUsersOptions.php
    - JsonToUserEntity.php (transformer)


  • from /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/artifacts
  • to GithubApi\Endpoints\Repos\Actions\Artifacts\ArtifactsEndpoint
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Tue, Mar 19, 2024